Final Result
Final Result
      "Shark" is a 3D mini sculpture of a shark that is created using 2D parts. I was inspired to execute this project by different cardboard sculptures people have made using 2 dimensional pieces of cardboard as seen on the top left. I really wanted to explore the concept of using 2D parts to create something you can see and hold. I also love fishing so I figured that I would do something fish related. I made this because I thought it looked cool. To create this project I imported a 3D model of a shark into Rhino. I then Used this model as a reference to created 2d sections and extruded them so that were the same thickness as the acrylic I had. I then laser-cut the pieces and superglued them together. The picture on the left is the result.
Final Result
Final Result
Rhino Project
Rhino Project
Final Result
Final Result
      Fish is a hybrid object using a toilet paper roll holder and a 3D printed object. I made this toilet paper holder by recreating a toilet paper spring in Rhino and was able to use that physical object in my project. To produce this project, I measured and recreated the toilet paper spring holder in Rhino. I then found a 3D model of a fish. I split the 3D Model of the fish and Boolean differenced an area for the toilet paper roll holder to fit with the fish. I ended up having to print three different pieces for this project. To do this I split the model into the front of a fish, the back of a fish, and a mount. I then made notches for them to fit together assembled them. This print was made from PLA and holds together pretty well. The prints took about a day to complete. I documented the project and presented it in the bathroom.
Here are different projects I have made for class and enjoyment.
Rhino Project
Rhino Project
Rhino Project
Rhino Project
Rhino Project
Rhino Project
Assembling Servo
Assembling Servo
Final Result
Final Result
Rhino Project
Rhino Project
Rhino Project
Rhino Project
Final result
Final result
Plugged Into Laptop
Plugged Into Laptop
Plugged Into Wireless Mouse
Plugged Into Wireless Mouse
Final Result
Final Result
3D Scan
3D Scan
Rhino Project
Rhino Project
Final Result
Final Result
Final Result
Final Result

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